Gambling has been something that has fascinated the human race for millennia, something that was recently proven by discoveries made in China that point to rudimentary games being played as far back as 2000 BC. There is just something about these gambling games that fascinate us, mainly because they offer a pretty interesting viewpoint on things like chance, fate and probability. And there’s something else too, they can often result in huge jackpot prizes!
Oh yes, gamblers playing anything from blackjack to roulette, poker to baccarat, can expect to win some money every now and again, with the luckiest being able to win pretty life changing amounts too – play at This is true of all gambling games, however it is the world of slot machines that gives you the best chance. It leads us to the question – why has the online slot game taken over the physical slot machine? Keep on reading to find out.
Limitations of physical slot machines
Okay, the first thing to get to grips with regarding the question of why online slot games have taken over physical slot machines is this – the limitations of physical slot machines. Sure, these things are fun, however they do also have their drawbacks, you cannot argue with that.
Here are some of the limitations of physical slot machines:
- Accessibility: One of the biggest drawbacks to classic physical slot machines is the fact that in order to play them you have to visit a casino or a bar that has a fruit machine inside. This is all well and good for people who live near these places, but what about if you don’t?
- Design: Because of the physicality of land-based slot machines there are several limitations in place in terms of their design. For example, developers cannot just create exciting new game mechanics or bonus features without thinking about the fact they would have to make a whole game chassis too.
- Jackpots: There are a few physical slot machines like the Las Vegas Megabucks machines that will have no problem paying out absolutely gargantuan jackpots, however many of them won’t be able to offer the same sort of sized jackpots as online slots, simply because they have less people playing them.
Reasons for the dominance of online slot games
Those were a few reasons behind the limitations of physical slot machines, but there are also a whole load of reasons behind the dominance of online slot games. Take a look at some of these:
- Bonus rounds: One of the most obvious reasons behind the rampant success of online slot games is simply the fact that online slot bonus rounds are almost always a lot more exciting than on land-based slots. You just cannot argue with this!
- Mobile gaming: The fact that you can play online slots on your mobile device whilst on the move is also a poignant reason behind their dominance. It means you can spin those reels pretty much any time you want.