Let us try to prepare a time table that we will able to prepare ourselves for scoring a good score and able to go forward with the next level of examinations as well. This is one of the most important thing that we should be able to keep track of is what all are the areas that we should be concentrating our attention. One of the most important things is memorizing topics where we should always try and focus on understanding the subject & the topic. This will always help us to understand the concept thoroughly and have a greater understanding.
Self study: Keep your pace up with the help of self-study. Prepare a well thought out time table so that you can start the preparation for NEET in a more convincing mode.
Know your stronger and weaker areas: Take a note of the weaker and the stronger areas so that the study plan that you prepare should be able to give enough time to the weaker topics. There will be different patterns of questions and you should be able to identify it as well.
Get in touch with your batch mates. Make sure to get in touch with your batch mates & seniors and try and make small study groups so that you are able to take up one topic at a time. This will also help you have a better confidence level as well.
Get online classes: Start with the online classes and the mock test as well. This will give us the idea of the recent test and the pattern as well. The students are advised to go to online sites like doubtnut.com that are providing the students with video tutorials that will clear their doubts with better application.
Never skip any topics: This is also important that you give importance to each and every subject. You should not leave any of the topics untouched. The patterns always keep changing so we should try to be up to mark in all the subjects. Do not leave any topic untouched. Try to get a basic understanding so that you are able to at least score some marks in each topic.
Time management: The most important what I feel is time management. Try and divide the time equally in all the subjects. Try and memorize the formulas and the chemical equations that are being most frequently used so that you will be able to score high. He also confident about the application so that you are swift at identifying the problem and the application of the formulas and that will save on your time while answering a question.
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Make notes for you: This is important because when you will try to revise, the notes will come handy. Try and revise the formulas and the equations as much as possible. Simultaneously, there select the books that are easy to study. Take out a few books that will help in problem solving.
Look at the previous year’s question patterns: Take a look at the previous year’s patterns of the questions that were asked so that you will be able to understand what the most scoring patterns are. Have a look at the areas that will help you to create a pattern in the best way.
Get revision done: Revise on whatever you have studied on a regular basis. This will not only boat your memorization power but at the same time it will also help us keep the keep ourselves on track on whatever we have studied.
Maintain a healthy lifestyle. This is so important that proper rest and time for recreation should be there because this is only a healthy body that we will be able to retain more. The more happy and relaxed we are the more amount will we will able to retain.
If we are to speak subject wise, then please try and memorize the diagrams by heart for the biology subjects. In case of organic chemistry keep the theories by heart so that you will be able to have the understanding of the concepts and its application. In case of physics, the application of the concepts is very important so that we will be able to have the better application in the problem solving abilities as well.
Please try and clear your basics first from the textbooks because this is the only place you will be gather the full information. Take help of the online resources in order to clear your doubts so that you are able to have a better confidence when you sit for the exam.
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