Acupuncture is one of the most popular treatments in traditional Chinese medicine, and for good reason. Acupuncturist Denver can help with many different health problems, including stress reduction, pain relief, insomnia management and more.
From a western point of view, acupuncture works due to the release of endorphins that reduce pain and affect mood.
However, current evidence suggests that when administered correctly, acupuncture effects are due to more than just the release of endorphins. According to this article, there is much still not known about how acupuncture treatment works in patients:
This question sparked an interest in researching exactly what happens when someone gets acupuncture treatment and the results seem to be very interesting.
Every acupuncturist’s goal should be to really understand how their treatment works so that they can improve their own skills, but until quite recently there has not been much research into this question. However, now that acupuncture is becoming more popular in western cultures it is possible to find out through studies.
A more recent and interesting theory of how acupuncture works comes from epigenetics (where DNA expression can be changed by environmental factors such as toxins or diet). According to this study, patients who received acupuncture treatment were found to have certain proteins released in their blood stream. These proteins work like antioxidants and improve respiration in mitochondria.
Acupuncturist Denver involves the insertion of very thin, solid needles into specific points on the body. There are several different theories about how acupuncture works, but most scientists believe that the needles interfere with pain signals, change blood flow or release chemicals in the brain. Acupuncture has been studied extensively for many years; there is even some evidence suggesting that it may help people stop smoking! What’s not to love about this treatment?
There are many different types of acupuncture therapies. One of these is ear acupuncture or auricular therapy. The U.S. National Institutes of Health states that this form of acupuncture is often used as an addiction treatment method and can be helpful for treating high blood pressure. This type of therapy involves placing five tiny needles through the ear’s concha ridge, which is the outermost part of the ear. Once these needles are in place, they may stay there for anywhere from a few minutes to several days or even weeks.
Auricular acupuncture can be used to treat many physical problems as well as health issues like stress and addiction. There are also some who swear by auricular therapy for psychological issues including anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder and PTSD.
Ear acupuncture might sound scary – it does involve needles, after all – but most people don’t feel them going into their skin. This is because the needles are so small that you won’t feel them prick your skin on entry; they just slide right into your pores! Acupuncture Refuge uses incredibly thin needles that barely hurt at all, and you’ll barely feel them as they go in. This is a great thing because it makes the acupuncture process much easier to handle.
Another wonderful thing about ear acupuncture is that there are no side effects or risks involved. You won’t have to worry about getting a headache, skin irritation, nausea or fatigue! These negative side effects aren’t even a factor with auricular therapy, which means you can potentially use this type of acupuncture for whatever your needs may be without any problems whatsoever. Acupuncture Refuge has been integral in helping many people find relief from pain and stress through their affordable auricular therapy sessions.
Are you interested in learning more about auricular healing? If so, you should definitely contact Acupuncture Refuge in Acupuncturist Denver. You can visit their website or call them at your earliest convenience to learn more about what they do and how they might be able to help you!