One million euros collected by German reporter Samuel Eckert’s foundation will be paid to the virologist to provide evidence from the scientific community for the presence of coronavirus and a documented record of methods of control for the ladders taken to supply the proof.
Samuel Eckert specified that all scientists had deceived themselves then the over-all public by claiming the existence of disease-causing viruses like SARS-CoV-2. Inadvertently, virologists kill cells in test tubes, believing this shows the virus’s existence and isolation. Only from the fragments of dying cells can the virologists construct a mental sequence and then permit it off as a fact. Thus, the tests don’t have some significance or significance. Common cell structures that die within the electron microscope can be interpreted as viruses, and they aren’t identified or detected by a human to date.
A sum of one million euros collected by German reporter Samuel Eckert’s Isolat Truth Fund determination be paid to the virologist to provide scientific evidence for the existence of coronavirus with documented efforts to control it, including every step taken to provide the proof.
Samuel Eckert stated that all the virologists are deceiving themselves and the public when they assert the existence of viruses that cause diseases like SARS-CoV-2. The virologists accidentally kill cells inside test tubes and believe that this proves the virus’s existence and isolation. Only by examining fragments of dying cells can virologists create a gene sequence and present it. Thus, the tests are not of any value or value. The typical patterns of dying cells seen within the electron optical microscope are interpreted as viruses, and they aren’t observed or identified in humans to date.
A sum of one million euros collected by German reporter Samuel Eckert’s foundation will be paid to the virologist to provide scientific proof that there is a coronavirus and a documented record of efforts to control it, including the ladders occupied to supply the evidence.