When you ask a similar question about one of the popular languages such as English, for instance, most of the replies are based on the fact that it is spoken all over the world. If you speak English, French, or German, you can communicate with the vast majority of people worldwide. The Bulgarian language lacks the privilege of being so widespread and therefore does not qualify as a useful language. What makes it worth studying then? Here are a few reasons to convince you that you will not be wasting your time if you take up Bulgarian.
Bulgarian – one of the oldest languages still in existence
Nowadays, it is referred to as Bulgarian. However, according to historians, it originates from the Slavic language spoken by the numerous tribes that inhabited the Balkan peninsula thousands of years ago. Actually, Bulgarian is the first Slavic language of which we have written records. The first alphabet was created by the brother’s St Cyril and Methodius from Thessaloniki. It was called the Glagolitic script. Later their disciples modified their signs, so nowadays, we use the Cyrillic alphabet. Thanks to it, Bulgaria was the center of Slavic culture and literacy between the 9th and the 11th century. The Bulgarian language was very influential not just within the country itself but also beyond its borders. Back in those days, literacy was highly esteemed but not easily accessible. The so-called ‘schools’ were the equivalent of modern universities, where intelligent young people studied the language and then translated or copied religious books into Bulgarian. Thanks to this type of literature and the hardworking scriptwriters, Bulgarian soon became the most influential language for quite a few European nations.
Even Russia, which is so powerful nowadays, owes its alphabet to the Bulgarian one. It is a documented fact that back in those days, the so-called Kievan Rus accepted Christianity due to the Bulgarian influence there. It was followed by the alphabet, which was used to write religious manuscripts. Bulgarian, Russian, Belarussian, Ukrainian, Ruthene, Macedonian, Serbian, and Mongolian originated from the alphabet that we now call Slavic. The Cyrillic alphabet was initially a feature of the Church Slavonic language, which is still in use in many Orthodox churches in Eastern Europe.
The majority of Slavic languages still use the Cyrillic alphabet to write in their languages. On the other hand, a number of countries soon gave up the Cyrillic alphabet for the Latin one. However, due to the strong historical and cultural connections among the Slavic peoples, they recognize the Cyrillic alphabet as well.
Traditions and History
It is very difficult to get to know a culture simply by reading about it. This is also true about Bulgarian culture. Bulgaria is not just an old country. Some scientists say that the first ancient civilization arose here. What is the evidence that points to that? The oldest processed gold in Europe, dating back to the end of 5000-the beginning of 4000 BC. was found in the Varna vicinity.
Located in the middle of the Balkan peninsula, Bulgaria has always served as a bridge between Eastern and Western cultures. It has appeased them a number of times by means of wisdom or war. Therefore, Bulgarians are truly understanding and tolerant.
Throughout the years, all these factors have constituted the peculiar Bulgarian character that gave birth to our unique culture. What makes it unique? It is hard to explain with words – to grasp it fully. One has to listen to Bulgarian folk music, read local fairy tales, or look at the national costume decorations or traditional pottery.
It is a well-known fact that a language is not just a set of rules and some vocabulary. It reflects the views of the people who speak it. Therefore, even if you have read a lot about Bulgaria, this knowledge will be futile unless you speak the language.
Education and Business
Bulgaria has been a member of the European Union since 2007. However, our country’s historical significance for both the Balkan peninsula and Europe dates back centuries ago. It would be not easy to give a comprehensive outlook on this significance in a single article. The first Bulgarian state was set up in 681AD. Since then, Bulgaria has had periods of upheaval and slavery, it has expanded and lost territories quite a few times. However, it is still in existence at the crossroads between Europe and Asia. This makes the country perfect for investments, especially in the spheres of agriculture and tourism. Bulgaria offers a wonderful climate (four distinctive seasons), rich soils, a wealth of water resources, and, last but not least, hardworking and well-educated people.
An excellent education is another one of Bulgaria’s positive aspects. We are proud to say that Bulgarian doctors, engineers, and physicists are among the leading world experts in their fields.
Bulgarian is not as popular as English, German, French or Russian. For Western Europeans, it is complex, strange, even exotic. That’s why speaking Bulgarian equals a miracle.
Nowadays, you can study Bulgarian regardless of your location. Thanks to the online tuition offered by “Omega” Language School in Sofia, you will acquire it easily and quickly. Our qualified teachers will teach you to understand, read and speak smoothly in the dedicated course for Bulgarian Language.
In conclusion, speaking Bulgarian is useful for a number of reasons:
- The written version of many European languages, mainly the Balkan ones, developed from Bulgarian;
- A lot of European languages are related to Bulgarian due to the Slavonic writing system as well as their historical and cultural links;
- If you speak Bulgarian, you are familiar with the Cyrillic alphabet. Therefore, you will be able to recognize its letters and sounds in other languages as well;
- Bulgarian is one of the most ancient living languages still in use today. Being able to speak is not just unique, but it is helpful too.
- Although Bulgaria’s territory is relatively small, the country offers great variety – mountain ranges, valleys, plains, and a sea. Its location provides a lot of business opportunities;
- Bulgaria is a member of the EU, but many goods and services are much lower compared to those in other member countries. Setting up a business here means you can benefit from mobility in Europe at a lower price.
- The most precious asset of every business is its staff. In Bulgaria, you can find well-qualified experts in every field.
- Bulgarian universities offer high-quality education, whereas their fees are considerably lower than those in Western Europe.