Cooking is an art many individuals are passionate about today. While many individuals enjoy cooking tasty meals made with love, many more enjoy eating them. Regardless of where one stands, one vital element to pursue these endeavours is the availability of proper equipment. As such, a frying pan is an instrument that is essential for cooking many items today. Be it the simple task of frying onions or making fried pesto pasta, a high-quality pan helps. Thus, this article will focus on conveying the features of the available pans and also elucidate a few dishes people prefer making using these pans.
Features of Frying Pans
As mentioned, one needs to ensure that these pans are made with the highest quality materials. Here are some predominant features of the pans people look for today.
- i) Polished Finish – First things first, these pans should have a polished finish on the exterior. An exquisite finish helps individuals identify the exact level of frying that has to be done. People can observe the change in the colour of the dish they’re cooking to understand whether it’s cooked medium or rare. As such, the finish also gives an aesthetic look on the outside.
- ii) Aluminium Base – An aluminium base combined with a polish helps individuals cook dishes faster. The pans are anodized during manufacture, which ensures higher levels of durability. They’re also soft metals, which assist individuals in cooking their dishes with better care.
iii) Dishwasher Friendly-It is an arduous task to wash dishes regularly. While individuals enjoy cooking, washing dishes after everyone finishes is one of the most disheartening tasks. Therefore, many people prefer buying a frying pan that is dishwasher friendly. These soft pans ensure that stains don’t remain on the pan while being washed using dishwashers. As such, they’re dishwasher friendly and thus preferred highly in today’s scenario.
- iv) Oven Safe – Another vital aspect of these pans is that one can reheat dishes in ovens. These pans are oven-safe, and as such, many individuals enjoy heating meals in them.
- v) Removable Handles – Anyone that spends time in the kitchen knows the tantalizing amounts of time it takes to store cooking essentials. Finding the right place to store without cramming all tools in the counters takes a lot of effort. As such, some pans come with removable handles that ensure compact storage. Thus, they’re highly efficient products preferred by many people today.
Dishes to Cook
As observed, the features of these pans make them excellent products today. Many individuals prefer cooking dishes in these pans due to their user-friendly nature. Here are some popular meals people enjoy cooking in such pans.
- i) Spaghetti and Meat Balls – The good ol’ spaghetti along with meatballs is an evergreen dish. Individuals enjoy this delicious dish garnished with the right amount of coriander. Many people use these pans to prepare exquisite sauces to add.
- ii) Fried Rice – Individuals that enjoy eating street food know the value of a frying pan in the kitchen. People use these pans to make dishes of various cuisines, like zucchini egg fried rice, chicken kimchi, etc.,
iii) Omelets – Another popular dish that everyone can make is a simple omelette. Omelettes are easy-to-make and are filling dishes people enjoy eating for breakfast. Some even prefer eating these as starters. As such, there are plenty of variations in these dishes adopted by different cuisines globally. However, one can be rest assured that they can cook all types of omelettes using these pans.
As observed, the plethora of features available makes these pans excellent instruments today. Those who enjoy cooking, along with those who enjoy eating, appreciate these pans for their characteristics. The number of dishes one can make using these pans is immeasurable. As such, they’re preferred highly by those passionate about good quality food.