Have you ever experienced forgetfulness? Do you feel that you are not able to concentrate the way you used to or you are not able to multitask? Well, if your answer is yes, then sadly you are experiencing brain fog.
Brain fog is basically a term used for describing issues like inability to focus, difficulty in remembering things, loss of logic, and issues with your problem-solving capacity. It is not exactly a condition for which you need to seek treatment, but it can be a result of other underlying health issues you might have, and those issues definitely need medical attention.
There are many health conditions that can lead you to experience brain fog. At South Valley Neurology, certified doctors are working with many patients to help them recover from the said condition. Their accurate diagnosis gives a clear idea about why a patient is experiencing issues with memory and focus, and later they develop a custom treatment plan for their patients.
Causes for experiencing brain fog
Stress, Depression and Anxiety
Any sort of mental condition can exhaust you mentally. If you are suffering from stress or depression, there are good chances it will hinder your concentration level and multi-tasking abilities.
Lack of Sleep
Your mind needs to rest too. Sleeping for less than 7 to 8 hours will gradually affect your focusing power. As a result, you will experience difficulty in remembering things and even performing normal day-to-day activities. If you know that you are suffering from a sleep disorder, make sure to discuss it with your doctor first.
Menopause or Hormonal Changes
Fluctuations in your hormonal levels can make you weak and dull. If you are pregnant, going through menopause, or have recently changed your method of birth control, you may experience a foggy brain.
Certain prescriptions and even over-the-counter medicines can interfere with your brain functions. As a result, registering new information, remembering old information, concentrating for a longer period, etc. becomes difficult. If you are experiencing such changes, it is best to talk to your doctor or pharmacist about the same.
If your thyroid gland is not producing enough hormones, many different parts of your body, including your brain might not function well. This can lead to forgetfulness and the inability to think and make decisions normally.
Multiple Sclerosis
Since the condition affects your central nervous system, it makes it difficult for your brain to communicate normally with the rest of the body. Overall, you will find it difficult to solve basic problems, concentrate or focus on a single thought, and sometimes even speak and understand words. Unfortunately, there is no specific treatment for multiple sclerosis, but medication can at least slow down the progression of the disease.
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Individuals that suffer from chronic fatigue syndrome usually have difficulty with memory and concentration. Experts are still trying to understand why Chronic fatigue syndrome causes such symptoms.
All in all, the symptoms of brain fog are mostly the results of other physical and mental conditions. However, if you are experiencing it, it is best to book a consultation with a qualified and experienced neurologist immediately.