The WordPress development workflow has changed dramatically over the past few years. Gone are the days of working with a standalone, monolithic application that you install on your own server – today’s WordPress developers rely on frameworks like Composer and WP-CLI to build their projects, deploy them to production environments using Git, and collaborate with other developers through pull requests. This article will examine how these changes impact modern WordPress development workflows, as well as provide some tips for optimizing your team’s performance by working smarter instead of harder.
WordPress development workflow
– modern WordPress development workflows
– best practices for modern WordPress development workflows
This article will discuss a few of the key aspects that should be considered when developing a new project or improving an existing one by hiring a WordPress development agency. Some of these things have been covered in my previous articles on this blog, while some are going to be introduced here. This is not meant to cover all possible approaches and solutions, but rather introduce you to different ways of thinking about approaching your own solution instead of simply following someone else’s approach blindly without understanding what it’s really doing under the hood.
In other words – stop using tools because they were created by somebody who wrote about them somewhere! Instead, try out every tool that can make your life easier and learn how to use it. There are many, many more tools out there that can make WordPress development faster and help you achieve better results with less work.
– It is not the only way of doing things
– Improve existing ones by using modern best practices
– Stop blindly following other people’s approaches without understanding what they’re really doing under the hood! Try them all on for size first instead.
The modern WordPress development workflow is a combination of writing code and working with the files on your computer. There are several different tools you can use to do this, including FTP clients such as FileZilla or Transmit for Mac users. Some developers prefer using the command line, while others like me recommend an application called Tower by Panic Software that makes it easier to manage all of these actions in one place.
– Regardless of what method you choose – make sure your edits are committed back into version control so they’re ready for deployment whenever necessary!
– Use Git/Github to track changes! This will be important later when deploying new versions of our site both locally and remotely online.
– Make commits after each set of changes that are logically grouped.
– Think of your commits as a conversation with yourself about how you’ve changed the code over time. This will be helpful when it comes to deploying updates later on!
– Once I have committed my files back into version control, I am ready to deploy them onto our remote server so they can go live for everyone else to view online!
– Deploying new versions is an excellent way to make sure we aren’t breaking anything and also gives us great insight into what has been done since the last push – which is especially important during development phases like testing and bug fixes where lots of things might change quickly without much documentation involved.