Children need to play in a park because it helps them learn social skills like sharing ideas, negotiating disagreements, building positive relationships, and recognizing social cues, and the best part is they stay healthy. Playing in the public park has valuable benefits, but some families are unable to visit them regularly. Today, Spimbey has efficiently created a modular playset that fits ideally in your backyard. There are plenty of reviews from parents about the product’s high quality and safety standards. Here are some of the awesome benefits of a modular playset.
Wide choice options
The modular playset is easy to assemble and you can choose the kind of play equipment, your child prefers. For example, you can choose a wooden swing set or a swing set with a play deck and playhouse. Your child can enjoy the modular playset chosen for their ability level and age.
Safe play environment
Public playgrounds are safe but there are possibilities of poor management. Even well-managed public parks are exposed to germs, which are an issue for kids with a compromised immune system. With a home playset in the backyard, parents can control the environment. They ensure that the equipment is clean and safe.
Nevertheless, playing in Public Park will need extra parental monitoring. One major issue is ‘stranger danger’ and another is injuries playing on some new equipment. With a playset in the backyard, parents can gain the tranquility that their kids are safely playing.
Multitask is a great advantage when kids are playing safely in the backyard. Working parents need time to cook, do laundry, and other household tasks. With kids enjoying their time on the modular playset means there is hardly any monitoring as compared to when they swing or slide in the public playground.
Small kids need supervision but parents can keep an eye from the window while washing dishes or cooking. When the child is six, they will not need constant monitoring as long as their parents know they are playing on the playset in the backyard.
Kids can get creative
Preschool kids need to stay active physically every day. Kids of age between 3- 11 must spend one hour daily engaging in physical activities that strengthen the developing bones and muscles. Active play even helps in improving cognitive abilities.
Today, parents are concerned about their kids spending the majority of their time with screens. Encouraging active outdoor play is challenging. Fortunately, modular playsets assembled in the backyard will give kids a chance to participate in active play.
Share modular playset with friends
Kids can invite their friends for a playdate in the backyard. In this way, social interaction is encouraged. The Spimbey modular playset is designed for 10 to 11 children. Minimalist plastic is used. The playset structure is totally made from wood. It can be passed on to another family when your kids outgrow. Visit Spimbey to take advantage of the Memorial Day sales discount of 30%. The offer is for limited time!
Encourages imagination and independence
Kids can play freely yet smartly with their siblings or friends in the backyard. They can sense independence and learn to play responsibly. Many elements can help kids get creative like enjoying the sandpit or play hide and seek in the playhouse including safety handles, telescope, high rail, and more. They learn how to stay aware and regulate themselves emotionally and physically.