Creating an ideal office space is a mammoth task! And for that, perhaps one of the foremost things you must have clarity about is the exact type of layout or setup you’re looking for based on your business model. This can then tremendously help you in sourcing the most appropriate furniture, which is the next step. While there is no dearth of office furniture online or in the stores, you can be absolutely sure of having made the right choice once you’ve zeroed down on the indoor layout.
So, to get you acquainted, here are four types of office furniture layouts you can choose from:
1. Cubicle Office Layout
For the longest time possible, a cubicle office layout was nearly synonymous with the idea of an office itself. A three-sided, open-top partition characterises this old-school, traditional type of layout to provide each section with the look and feel of a cubicle. This type of layout is best known for efficiently managing space and is relatively cost-effective. So, if you’re looking to create a cubicle style layout for your own workplace, you can look for sturdy desks, ideally consisting of storage space along with ergonomic chairs. And, for the partition, you can experiment with wooden or polycarbonate sheets.
2. Team Office Layout
A significant part of working from the office entails interacting and working with various teams. So, to better facilitate this, a layout that enhances cross-team working is ideal, and here is where the team office layout comes into the picture. In a team layout, the partition feature is missing for obvious reasons, and rather, a robust long desk surrounded by suitable office chairs is included. The desks can either be circular (for a circular formation, ideal for team discussion) or rectangular (for a face-to-face formation, ideal for different members of different teams to discuss specific aspects among themselves). So if this team office layout is on your mind, investing in long solid desks and suitable lighting fixtures to complement them is the best thing to do.
3. Hybrid Office Layout
As the name suggests, a hybrid office layout entails a mix of private and collaborative setup styles to enhance both individual and team working models. And depending on the nature of the organisation or business, this model consists of private cubicles, dedicated cabins, along open workstations and team layouts in some parts. Meanwhile, creating a hybrid office layout requires a great deal of thought, and hence, you’ll have to source the perfect conference tables (preferably with modern-day features like mics and charging ports), standing desks, executive desks and chairs, among others.
4. Open-Plan Office Layout
Furniture placement is the only thing that genuinely makes (or breaks) an open-plan office layout. This is because, well, it is an open plan, and it means everyone works together on the same floor at a given time. So, now, you can browse through a range of office furniture online and create a practical open-plan layout by picking the right furnishings. And for an open-plan setup, sourcing long functional desks with in-built storage space (read extra storage space saved!) and comfortable chairs are vital. Additionally, you can create a lounge-cum-collaboration space by adding suitable lounge seating and a minimalist solid table. In short, as furniture is the key to creating a valuable open-plan office layout, remember to choose wisely!
You must have known by now that sourcing the right kind of furniture for your ideal office layout can make a considerable difference to your workspace’s appearance, productivity levels, and image. So, it is best to have clarity on the perfect office layout first and then start bringing the vision to life through purposeful furniture.