Experiencing pains in your body due to sports activity can be very uncomfortable. Luckily, we have some procedures such as massage and cervical traction that can be used to relieve pain in your body and aid in faster recovery. Discussed below are the interesting facts about cervical traction and why it is the most suitable alternative to replace harsh sports massage. Heat recliners can reduce the pain associated with arthritis while 1인샵 massage increases blood flow; both help increase range of motion in areas that are affected by arthritis which will allow your loved one to move more freely without feeling so much discomfort.
What is cervical traction?
Traction is a popular treatment that involves slow and gentle pulling of body parts that are fractured or dislocated. The procedure is usually performed by a professional in the medical field (physiotherapist). There are two types of traction: manual traction-the medical professional uses their hands to provide a force on the patient’s body, and auto-traction- patient pulls on bars.
Cervical traction is a non-invasive procedure used for treating neck pains and cervical pathologies by providing symptomatic relief. Click here to find Saunders cervical traction devices for your needs.
Benefits of cervical traction vs. massage
There are different cervical traction devices used to treat different pains and their causes. The treatment helps to relax your body muscles and this helps in a significant reduction of pain and stiffness and increases muscle flexibility. Massage helps you to relax, but it may not have lasting pain relief effects like those of cervical traction.
Cervical traction must be done by a trained physiotherapist or by using their strict guideline. However, massage can be done by an acquaintance and not necessarily a masseuse which can sometimes lead to more pain and stiffness, if done harshly. This makes cervical traction a fit choice to replace harsh sports massage.
Cervical traction can also be used to treat bulging herniated disks. The treatment alleviates joint pains, sprains, and spasms. This makes it favorable for treatment especially when you are engaged in vigorous sports activities.
The cervical traction devices work by carefully and slowly stretching your spinal vertebrae and muscles to relieve pressure, which could be the cause of pain. The physiotherapist then uses force or tension to stretch your neck or pull your head away from your neck. The pull helps to create space between your spinal vertebrae and this relieves compression and allows your back and neck muscles to relax.
On the other hand, using harsh sports massage can leave you feeling more pressure due to the intensity hence hindering relaxation and long-term pain relief.
Cervical traction promotes improved mobility, alignment, and range of motion making it a suitable treatment you should consider to replace harsh sports massage. The results are instant and you will be feeling better immediately after treatment for neck pain and pinched nerves.
When purchasing cervical traction equipment, you may require a prescription for specific kinds. However, when looking to buy equipment for massage, you do not need a prescription. Getting a prescription from a medical professional will help ensure you get the guideline you will need for proper use of the equipment. Both manual and mechanical traction methods need to be done by a physiotherapist, but you can use an over-the-door cervical traction procedure at home.
In conclusion, cervical traction is a better way to relax and relieve pain during sports activities. Therefore, you should consider using it to replace harsh sports massage.