Sunflower is an herbal flower whose scientific name is Helianthus annuus. Its origin is North Americabut is currently grown worldwide as a food plant whereby it is processed to give valuable oil. It is also valued for its beauty. To extract oil from the sun flower, a machine is needed. This article describes advantages of sun flower oil and how the prices of sun flower oil are affected by the prices of oil extraction machines in Kenya.
Advantages of sun flower oil
Sunflower oil is vegetable oilthat is naturally derived from seedsof the sun flower plant. Its taste is great and contains more vitamin E in comparison to other vegetable oils. It also contains omega 6 fats making it quite healthy. Some of the healthy benefits of sunflower oil include;
Promotes the health of the heart and the skin
Sunflower oil contains a good amount of fatty acids which are helpful in the maintenance of body balance leading to controlled levels of cholesterol in the body. This is important for the heart to remain healthy and function properly.
Vitamin A and Vitamin E are anti-oxidants that help regenerate skin cells as well as alleviating bacteria that cause acne. Sun flower oil is easily absorbed in the skin hence it moisturizes and treats it getting rid of both sensitivity and dryness.
Boosts immunity as well as energy
Sunflower oil is unsaturated and therefore gives you energy by enhancing the release of glycogen from the liver into the bloodstream.
The anti-oxidants strengthen membrane barriers against bacteria and viruses hence making the body defense mechanism more efficient.
Boosts hair quality
Sunflower oil contains fats that help to prevent hair loss thus enhancing the beauty of hair.
Enhances digestion
Sunflower oil is easily digestible and absorbable as it is light therefore its use prevents constipation.
Sunflower oil extraction machine price in Kenya is quite high in general.This is partly because most of these machines are imported. Both transportation and taxation costs contribute to the high prices of oil extraction machines. In addition high quality machines are normally bound to be expensive as long as the materials used are of high quality; that is durable and easy to maintain. That is why while acquiring oil extraction machines, one should be careful to consider the quality and not just the convenience of the price. Besides the fact that the price of one machine is high, various machines are required at different levels of processingto get a well refined product. This has added to the high farming costs. As a result, the prices of sunflower oil are high.
This article helps you not to shy away from buying sun flower oil because of its high price. This is because the costs of production are high. The advantages of sunflower consumption make spending more on it worthwhile.