It indicates popularity – It goes without saying that the number of fans reveals how popular a website is.
A Facebook business page with 100,000 followers is more popular than a page with 1,000 fans and this leads to a number of other benefits
If you can’t understand the relationship between Facebook fans and business trust, have in mind that the US State Department spent $630,000 to increase their Facebook Fans from 100,000 to 2 million during the years 2011-2012.
Why did they do this?
Because in today’s World a successful business, website, or blog needs to have a lot of Facebook fans. Five Years ago this did not make any difference but in the 21st century, social proof is important.
More fans, more visits – The more fans you have, the greater is the number of people that will see your posts in their timeline and possibly visit your website.
While this is true, it should be noted that not all your fans will see your posts. You can also buy facebook live stream viewers easily.
With the recent changes to the Facebook algorithm, only a small percentage of your followers (no more than 4 %) will see your status updates.
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This number can vary, but what is important to understand now, is that if you have 10,000 fans and you post a new update, it will be seen organically by a max of 300-400 people.
Now that you are convinced that having a lot of Facebook fans is important for your website and business, let’s see step-by-step how to go from 0 to 10,000 fans.
It may sound silly for the experienced but for beginners to social media this may be something new: A personal Facebook page is different from a business page.
If you want to have friends on Facebook to share your holiday photos then you need to create a personal page.
If you want to have fans and followers for your website or business then you need to create a Facebook business page.
I would suggest you to regularly update your Facebook status so that people will find interest in your profile. That’s how you can maintain your old follower and you can also gain new follower as well.
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Nowadays its easy to start a business through facebook. You just have to create facebook page and then you can promote your page to your targeted audience. If you can keep up the good work, you can also earn more profit from your business. Facebook takes only few bucks to promote a page. You can also take help from buysocialfan website. This website helps people to reach their audience. I would suggest you guys to try this website, at least for one time. It will be worth it.
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