A sagging roof is not only dazzling, but it can also be dangerous for you and your family because the roof is designed to be straight. A curved or sagging roof means that the structural integrity is insufficient, and it could be a warning sign that your roof is about to collapse. You can click here to know the causes of the sagging roof.
How to fix a sagging roof?
You will need to fix sagging r rafters to repair your roof in many cases. You can also go for the colorbond roofing. Follow these steps to make sure your rafters or trusses are fixed properly:
- You will need a steel “L” channel to get the rafters or brackets back into shape.
- Drill four holes on each side of the L.
- Remove any wood chips that might be in your way using a chisel.
- Start at the end; that is the hardest to reach. Install the steel “L” channel to the rafters or trusses.
- Secure the end of the slot to the rafter or frame using washers and bolts in the holes you drilled.
- Move the broken piece into place when the tip is in place.
- Measure the gap between the “L” steel channel and the rafter/truss, and then select a bolt that is 1.5 – 2 longer than the gap.
- Insert the bottom two bolts and tighten them. Then tighten the bolt as far as possible from the breaking point until the other bolt head is about 1/4″ from the recess.
- Tighten the rear bolt until it is flush with the “L” steel slot. After that, tighten the front bolt until the rear is about 1/4″ away from the slot.
- Tighten the front and rear bolts until the rafters or brackets are securely attached to the slots.
- Insert the bolts into the remaining holes and tighten them.
What causes a sagging roof?
Even if you have done everything you can over the years to make sure your roof remains intact. But age can creep in and cause a roof to deteriorate. In other cases, your roof may not be that old. But there were many significant storms in the past year. Understanding why the roof is sagging is essential for repairs. You can visit now to know the main causes of sagging roof problems:
When was the last time you checked the structural integrity of your roof? Structural problems can cause the roof to deteriorate because the roof is designed to support the maximum weight. Anything more than that can cause sagging. When you don’t have enough rafters or can’t handle the storm, snow or ice on your roof can cause it to fall.
Water damage:
If the roof is designed for proper drainage, heavy flooding or rainstorms can damage the roof’s structure over time if you have a damaged gutter system or shingles that block water flow. Moisture can enter the supporting structure and cause it to deteriorate. Installing gutter guards will protect a roof from damage while minimizing accumulation of dirt, leaves and debris, which can cause water blockages due to water not being able to freely drain through the gutter system.
Other Causes:
Other causes of roof sagging include age, low-quality materials and damaged or sunken foundations. If you need help identifying the cause of a sagging roof, please contact the service team to schedule a consultation.