Small businesses and independent companies with few workers find it difficult to manage their time. Often constrained by their overheads and revenue, small businesses tend to operate lean teams that are forced to cover a number of different roles, with managers or leaders often assuming multiple roles in order to keep everything ship-shape and firing on all cylinders. In this guide, we’ll look into how you can save time among you and your workers, redistributing your attention to the tasks that matter while menial tasks are taken care of by technology and better systems.
One of the finest examples of technology that’s designed to help businesses save time is in the field of automation. It’s here that technologists are slowly producing products that perfectly execute mundane tasks that would have taken hours per week for one of your human workers to perform. Some of this technology, like the automated payroll, is perfect for managers or HR professionals who spend some of their time each month counting up hours and distributing pay. It helps you save time on this task, giving you breathing space to concentrate on strategy and growth.
Meanwhile, other automation programs are built to help you not only get a task done automatically but also to present the data about that task to you in real-time. For example, there are a variety of financial data apps that help you make sense of your incomings and outgoings without you having to so much as lift a finger. Try MYOB accounting software to see how this works, generating your tax fees automatically while presenting you with live insights about your company’s financial health.
It’s your people who spend time on tasks. They’ll spend more time on tasks if they’re poorly trained or if they’re junior workers who have yet to become used to using certain programs and performing certain tasks. They’ll also work less efficiently if you’ve provided them with blunt tools in the form of old and outdated software or old and clumsy hardware. Finally, workers who are demotivated often work slower, with productivity grinding to a halt and hurting your business overall.
With this in mind, it’s clear that your personnel are incredibly important for your business’ success. If you hire experienced, motivated individuals to perform tasks for you, you’ll stand the best chance of seeing them work harder and faster. You should also make use of incentive schemes in order to help your staff feel that there’s a meaning behind their hard work, in the form of rewards and bonuses. Look also to consultants, who you can bring in from outside on a temporary basis in order for them to spot areas in which you can develop your skills and processes for the better.
Time Management
As a business leader, you know that time is money. You’re paying your staff by the hours that they’re in their seats, and you’ve seen how your revenue dips when you have staff on leave or who are off ill for extended periods. That means that time really does equal money and that the maximization of the productivity that occurs when a company is run well simply means more profits that you can reinvest in the development of your business. As a result, you should always be looking for new ways to incentivize staff to work smarter and harder, leaving you with more time to spend on more tasks.
If you’re looking to enhance your time management, there are a handful of strategies that’ll help you get there. The first is to use processes, such as deadlines and other systems, to encourage your staff to work hard towards different goals. Another is to use a time management software or chart, such as the Gantt chart, in order to plot out your time, consider the availability of your human resources, and ultimately ensure that you’re managing your time as well as possible.
In order to make your team as slick as possible, you’ll need to upgrade the tools with which they are doing their jobs. We’ve all been on a slow and outdated laptop that simply doesn’t work fast enough to help your staff get the job done. Add on top of this software that is several years old, and you’ll compound a productivity dip that you can resolve by making some upgrades to how you work. First, it’s important to purchase modern, fast laptops. Second, you’ll want to scour the market for high-tech solutions that help your team work faster.
The laptop purchasing is easy. You just need to find the computer that’s suited to your team’s needs, with high processing speed and ergonomic features. The software is more incidental, as different firms will need different technologies in order to excel at their tasks. Look to the market by searching through Google for new solutions, or bring in a tech consultant who will be able to look at the tasks you have under your umbrella before suggesting you engage with certain tech products to boost your time efficiency.
New Processes
Finally, a business might be performing tasks in a certain way simply because that’s how you’ve always done it. For some firms, that might mean doing the same thing that you were doing ten years ago, despite more efficient systems and processes having developed since you first instituted your methods of work. Some businesses remain blind to their inefficiencies simply because they have become so used to doing jobs in a certain way.
If you come to your business afresh, with your eyes peeled for inefficiencies, you’ll likely find that there’s plenty for you to get your teeth into and change. Likewise, if you ask all of your staff whether they think that certain tasks could be performed faster with a few changes, you’ll likely get some feedback that’ll help direct your efforts to save time.
Make use of these tips to see your firm go from strength to strength this year, including leveraging the best technology on the market and adjusting the way in which your team completes its work on time.