Some pet lovers take the challenge when they keep more than one dog at their home. Handling two or more different dogs of different species is not that easy and requires professional training. These pets can indulge in fighting within themselves if not trained well.
So, keeping all of them in check is quite tricky, but pet lovers are all dedicated to training their loved pets to co-exist. But they also need to think about their safety as well. Keeping multiple dogs under safety measures is quite complicated. An electric dog fence is a probable option, but the effectiveness for multiple dogs is complicated.
Significance of electric dog fences
As a parent to your furry pets, you know well keeping them grounded is very tough. Moreover, if pets love to roam around and run here and there in the yard, keeping them leashed is a threat to their normal growth. But you can’t help, especially if they have the habit of stepping outside the house anytime. As you are responsible for their safety, an electric dog fence is the only option you have.
With the advancement in technology and leading manufacturers keeping the requirement of pet lovers in mind have come up with electric dog fence for multiple dogs. This piece ensures your multiple dogs are safe within the yard of your home using the same electric dog fence system that has already been proven successful for single pets.
Management of the fence system
The electronic fence needs to have more coverage with a better transmitter to control more than one dog of different species at a time. Also, suppose two dogs are from different species, and their characteristics vary. In that case, you need to be very careful in setting up the fence and the degree of correctness for the specific dog through their respective collars. Keeping the dog unleashed within the boundary is the best thing when you use an electric dog fence.
Now the leading manufacturing companies have come up with app services to handle the electronic fence for multiple pet dogs at a time. Customization of any purpose becomes easier with such apps that you can download both on android and iOS systems of your smart devices. You can also get notifications of the movement your fury babies are taking with the help of these useful apps.
You can control the fences and their effectiveness from your smartphone app easily. If any of the dogs have escaped a system, you can also get a notification. Besides collar, wire, transmitter, these smart systems now include these apps that work remotely. This also makes handling multiple dogs being unleashed at the same time easier under the security system of electric fences. At World Pet Express, we pride ourselves on delivering the best pet medicines at the best rates.
How does the system work for multiple dogs?
The electric fence system will stay the same, and the only difference will be added number of collars and more powerful transmitters. You have to check well to select the best and more powerful transmitter suitable to handle multiple dogs and their activities throughout.
Only as a pet lover, you need to make sure that the collars are set with customized details to ensure safety to multiple pets at the same time. You need to ensure that dogs are only scared through the electric fencing and not hurt.