Video content creation and consumption on social media is growing day by day. This often leads to repetition in content while following trends. It becomes boring for the audience and the creators to keep producing similar content. A creator constantly needs to grow their subscriber base and innovate with the ways they create videos.
Creating a trend and being a trendsetter on YouTube needs idea generation–fresh ideas attract larger audiences!
You want your YouTube channel to grow? Let’s explore easy ways to generate ideas for your YouTube channel.
Check the comments section for requests
If you create content for your YouTube community regularly chances are that a few of your videos might not be received well by the audience. How to evaluate what works for your YouTube channel and what doesn’t? There comes a point where you want to understand how your YouTube community functions and what they want to see more of. The answer lies in constructive feedback from the community and subscriber base itself. Where would you find their feedback? In the YouTube comment section, there will be a lot of comments that will provide you feedback. There will be multiple appreciation, suggestions, and criticism of your video in the comment section.
You can get a rough idea of what the audience wants and can mold your videos according to it. You might be hell-bent on your content and it’s understandable as a content creator one wants to be as creative as possible. The best way to deal with criticism and feedback is to find a middle ground between the kind of ideas that you draft and the kind of videos the audience demands. If you want to generate ideas for your YouTube channel, going through the comments for requests might be the best way. The audience-requested videos usually get a higher engagement as it becomes easy for the audience to relate to them.
Make sure to add a screenshot of the requests or comments sections by using the picture-in-picture video editing effect–it’s easy to create using a free online video editor.
YouTube community poll
Another perfect idea generation source that works similarly in the lines of community feedback would be using YouTube’s community poll. The YouTube community section allows creators to interact with their audiences in a much similar manner to that of mainstream social media platforms. Although you have multiple options to create a text post, gif, image post, or video post it would be in your best interest to create a poll under the community posts section.
YouTube community polls are a great way to spike interest and curiosity among the subscribers. A community poll is guaranteed to get traction, as it gives the audience a sense of control over the content that they want to watch. As a YouTube creator, you can choose to give options and video content ideas that are possible for you to create. The poll results will give you a clear idea of what the majority of subscribers want from you. You can then go on and plan out the treatment based on that idea.
Competitor channel research on what’s trending
Sometimes when you don’t find answers within, you need to look around you the same goes for generating video ideas. Every YouTube channel follows a genre and these channels along with their audience, are classified according to that genre. When a company launches a product in the market it does a survey or a competition scan. Similarly, treat your video as a product and your channel as the company.
As a creator, it’s not possible to come up with fresh ideas one after the other rather there are increased chances of hitting a saturation point. In a scenario where you want to generate an idea, you need to look around and research what kind of videos your competitors are doing. Do check whether their ideas are working or not. You might want to find similar patterns and trends that are followed across your competitor’s channels. This will align your videos with the YouTube algorithm as well. Since platforms recommend videos based on the viewer’s watch history your video is more likely to pop alongside your competitor’s channel. Apart from these perks of having a boost in the engagement you will get fresh ideas based on the trends and adding your originality to the trend only makes your YouTube channel better.
Keyword research
The rules of the internet apply on every platform including YouTube. Based on the YouTube trends you can generate ideas by looking at the top-performing keywords along with their volumes. Keyword research is based upon the search query that a person inputs on the search bar to get optimized results based upon multiple factors that include search history, interest, keyword, and video duration.
When you use keyword research to generate video ideas consider the job half-done. All you have to do is create a video based on your research and target the same keywords, metadata, and tags. The tags should include the subject of the videos and words that users are more likely to search for like ‘How to’ or ‘What is’ etc.
Bonus Tips to generate video ideas
Consume Content
To create video content, you need to consume a lot of content in different forms. Consuming videos, movies, books, and games will make sure you’re keeping yourself informed and exposed to a variety of mediums. Ideas can pop up from anywhere when you have enough knowledge and exposure so it is equally important to keep consuming literature in different forms.
Talk to an expert
It gets difficult and overwhelming for a single YouTube creator to obtain specific knowledge about everything. A creator can consult an expert before digging deep into the internet’s pockets. It will save a lot of time as sometimes the experts can provide you with insights that can be very useful for your video. You can create a variety of ideas based on the discussions with the person, as generally, experts have a wide range of knowledge which might be helpful to your YouTube channel. You can even have them as a guest to bring in credibility and cover the topic of interest.
Start creating new ideas for your YouTube channel
You have now received a lot of ‘ideas’ to generate ideas for your Youtube channel. Create, ideate, customize and take your YouTube channel to new heights using a quality video editor.