The mining industry is quite old and has been developed extensively over the past few years. Gone are the days when thousands of men dug the ground with shovels for ages. With advances in modern sciences, this industry has come very far. This change is in terms of how the operations are conducted, better and more scientific practices, and modern-day equipment and machines that make the overall process much safer and easier, reducing the overall burden on the people involved.
People who intend to get acquainted with this industry need to understand the basic and most common types of equipment used. Many operators purchase this equipment while others find it uneconomical and unnecessary for their requirements and instead hire mining equipment. This allows them to save costs and operate the latest tech this industry has to offer when required without shelling out big money, as these machines don’t come cheap.
Common Types of Drilling Equipment
- Drills: Drills are used to penetrate rock or ground. These machines are designed to deal with various issues. Drills can be used to make holes for explosives, and they are also used to make holes in areas filled with desirable resources and portals for the workers that work as entry and exit points.
- Earth movers and excavators: These pieces of equipment are massive and are mainly used to load and carry away loads of waste products during mining operations from one spot to another. These machines play a crucial role in the mining industry. And since these machines come with hefty price tags, most operators refrain from buying them and instead hire mining equipment, which could help cut overall costs. These machines can push loads, excavate soil and dirt, dig pits, and clear certain spots to provide access to other machinery. These equipment are highly specialised and require qualified operators to run them. As such, the mining industry wouldn’t be able to function without the earth movers.
- Blasting tools: These tools are a vital part of the mining industry. They are used to break down complex materials, such as rocks, and provide easy access for the resources to be mined. Usually, explosives are used to separate the rocks from the desired materials so that the waste materials can be removed easily.
- Feeders and conveyors: When the raw materials are extracted to the surface, the feeders and conveyors carry away the materials to the crushers. The feeders can also scan the materials for size so the larger substances can be sent back to the crusher for processing. The weight belts of the feeders and conveyors are designed to enhance efficiency and productivity and regulate the feed rate sent into the crushers. And usually, after crushing, further processing like leeching, milling, or flotation ensues.
- Crushing equipment: These pieces of hardware are used for crushing rocks and stones. Usually, operators find these machines too costly and instead go on to hire these equipment pieces, which is a better choice. These machines help the operators perform multiple crucial tasks. They must break rocks to sizes that can be managed and transported. They are also widely used to liberate specific materials that could be greatly valuable in further processing the mined resources.
The mining industry has modernised over the years; now, various machines perform specific and crucial tasks. These technologies continue to evolve as time passes. This is why many miners find it redundant to buy these expensive pieces of hardware and hire mining equipment instead. The types of hardware listed in this article are a few common types of mining equipment, each of which has specialised derivatives to perform much more specified tasks, but they give everyone a basic idea of the equipment in the market.