The pandemic has wrought some changes on society that you may not immediately be able to predict. Unless you are a futurist, sociologist or exceptionally observing, while you have definitely noticed recent changes and would subconsciously associate them with this time period, you may not of truly chewed on the ramifications and causes. See, the big thing is, with everything having to shut down or be diminished, and people having to stay home, we have had to adopt the Internet for every walk of life to a degree that we otherwise wouldn’t have for several more decades. This means that online shopping, online delivery systems, online work and online learning are just owing to be the way of the future. This isn’t going to revert, at least not for particularly long, once this pandemic is finally over.
This may leave you wondering what fate awaits something like a bongshop. Specialty places like this actually stand a greater chance of outliving the mass extinction of brick-and-mortar mentalities in the immediate future. There are certain things that, of course, require a physical building outside of one’s home to provide a unique experience. The most obvious of these are things like amusement parks, restaurants, live theater and other leisurely activities that can’t be reproduced remotely over the Internet to the same effect.
Obviously, the same can be said for grocery stores, convenience stores and other necessities, because sometimes you just need to run and get something now. Various specialty places which provide a somewhat unique environment, shopping experience and immediate availability of certain things, such as smoke shops for example, are going to be similar. With all of these places, however, you expect to see the bulk of all transactions being done through various remote methods. The restaurants will be producing a lot more meals for delivery by a third-party delivery system than they serve it tables from now on. Grocery stores will have their own employees doing shopping for pickup orders or delivery way more than people idly browsing the shelves from now on. Bong shops will work with online retailers a lot more as well.
There are certain things that you are better off getting in a bongshop, but shopping for bongs online is ideal for your everyday, replaceable but still high-quality bong. The work of art you bought at the shop should be reserved for special occasions while you have something equal in quality but not equal in sentimentality nor irreplaceability.
To this effect, there are a lot of lab-quality glass products with excellent brass, stainless steel and copper fittings designed to be dishwasher safe and easy to maintain while also being hard to break an attractive in a more modern, industrial and sleep way. These products, manufactured by various Australian, New Zealand and European countries are perfect for daily use, because if you, your cat where your clumsy friend breaks them, you haven’t lost a one-of-a-kind piece of art. Not that these are easy to break, this class is probably more durable than anything else you can name, being tempered Pyrex or something similar that can resist pretty high falls, extreme heat and tipping over. If you are interested, Shisha Glass is your one-stop bongshop for bongs online as well as other smoking accessories in Australia and beyond.